Bari 2010

Bari 2010

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Fabio Barzagli (born 1974, Firenze) is an italian musician and artist, entrepreneur, life coach and cultural promoter.

Since a child He has been curious of the nature, the big questions of life, a dreamer, He’s been dedicating most part of his life to non-profit activities, involving music and computer art, politics and human rights, fatherhood and childhood, health, ethics, psychology, complexity science and its application in many fields.

Since 90s He has been a well known and appreciated musician under the name of FBY, awarded in many European countries and Russia, publishing CDs all around the world, composing music for videogames.

In 1997 He’s been founding Nayma Software a company producing web sites and interactive applications like Tony Tough (the most world famous Italian videogame) and other creative projects like DLAB (the first Italian videogame school), TRIP'99 (called from media the Woodstock of Computer Science) and many others.

In 2001 a shamanic experience changes his life.

In 2008 He has founded the first italian and international site for the promotion and protection of fatherhood and childhood. He has been proposed and candidate as Deputy in the Italian Parliament and named two years later as Artistic Director of the first Italian celebration of the UN Convention of Child Rights (NY, 1989) first worldwide paper recognizing shared parenting as a child's right.

He made experiences as anchorman, opinionist and format creator for italian broadcast channels, conducting Tv programs like Media Experience (educational program for schools about multimedia and information technology) and In Famiglia (cultural programs on divorce, fathers and separated children problems).

Since 2003 He has been publishing many articles for newspapers, social media contents, essays, manuals and self help books about various topics (in italian and english language).

Since 2008 He has been producing many documentaries, spot and international social campaigns published on streaming platforms like youtube with millions views and positive comments.

At present, all his musical compositions (more than 200), videogames, broadcasts and interviews, spot and documentaries (about 150), writings and publications (more than 500) are, in spirit of brotherhood, freely available online.

Select a link below to know more about Fabio Barzagli's activities:

  • Early life
  • Musical career
  • Nayma Software
  • Fatherhood and Family
  • Spot and Documentaries
  • Writings and Books
  • Links and Resources

  • "Search for pleasure makes you stressed. Stress consumes your serenity. But only serenity can produce enduring happiness. So search for serenity.. and pleasure will come."
    -- Fabio Barzagli